Tuesday, July 3, 2018


July 4, 2018-This comes "live" from prison, via the new JPAY email kiosk available to Florida prisoners now, and my dear wife's computer.

This is a bittersweet Independence Day for Libby and me, since I was supposed to be released on parole one year ago, July 4, 2017. That was not to be, as the corrupt politicians who've persecuted me with their personal vendetta for all these years continue to politically taint the parole process. My luck, the two people most directly involved in approving and appointing the parole commissioners (besides the governor) continue to intimidate their appointees with a great conflict of interest. The result is that although I have arguably the best record of accomplishments of any prisoner in the past 40 years, they continue to release prisoners who can't come close to my positive record of helping others, serving the state,and strong outside support. They've released on parole those with histories of escape, multiple murder convictions, two and even three murders in their records, drug sales and use, terrible disciplinary records, and much more that we have documented. Letting me go, contrary to their masters' wishes, could cost them their cushy $91,000 a year state jobs.

Despite all the setbacks and negativity, Libby and I have maintained our faith in God with the hope of vindication from this wrongful imprisonment. We have continued to work hard and prepare the court appeal for legendary lawyer Bill Sheppard and his team, and are grateful to those dear friends who have helped us with crippling legal expenses.

Amidst the bad, there have been a number of good things buoying our spirits, with new friends and supporters encouraging us, and more good things coming to fruition. I'll share those with you as they occur. My long-suffering mother thankfully maintains her strength and health as she approaches her 89th birthday in August, followed by my 69th a couple weeks later. Both my parents were 20 when I was born, and I've said that my mother, father, and I grew up together.

In years past, July 4th was a big celebration in prison. Prison farm fields provided truckloads of watermelons for everyone, a Southern staple, and the recreation coaches sponsored team sports events and games that kept up everyone's spirits. No more.

The prison environment is at its lowest ebb. A fellow long-term prisoner told me last Sunday, "I'm living in the worst conditions I've experienced in 40 years." As the state government plays games with the prison budget, the future isn't bright for prisoners or staff.

We pray that by Juy 4, 2019, we will celebrate in freedom, and look back on these times as character-building. May you and yours have a happy, safe holiday surrounded by loved ones.


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