Saturday, March 1, 2014



Editor’s note: We received this note recently in response to Charlie’s entry,  “Keeping In Touch With Your Former Self.”  This blessing so moved Charlie that he wanted to thank our reader for taking the time to send it. Readers like this one are huge encouragement to Charlie, to keep him traveling the right path, especially when times get dark. Thank you, our new friend! and we thank God for you and are keeping you in our prayers.

Hi Mr Norman. It's so amazing to know that our (the public’s) comments don't get forgotten. Well it says a lot about the blogger who takes the time out to send a personal email to his commentators! (AND HE IS IN PRISON).

 You make me smile and make me see that life is so worth living, if we just see that Jesus Christ is always there for each and every one of us. For you to even mention your commentators in your blog, it shows what calibre you are made of! Pure love, hope and faith, the three elements which The Lord Jesus Christ wants us and all to have! 

I cannot say this enough but you are one 'hell' of a guy! God knew exactly what he was doing when he made you! You are his soldier. Even from the depths of prison, you bring and show people who and what the Lord is. 

Your sheer determination is unbelievable, and seeing you being in such a horrific environment and still striving and still not losing faith and still helping others and still not forsaking Our Lord and still bringing people to the Lord, it just takes my breath away! 

Thanx for being a source of encouragement to me and many people even though we never met, but I know it’s not by coincidence that the Lord put us on a path to 'meet' each other, (via another blessed person). To meet a person specifically chosen by God, is a blessing. Thank you so much! And Thank You, God, for using Mr Norman to bless me.

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